Аудиокнига My Favourite Poems in English

Аудиокнига My Favourite Poems in English ISBN 9780369405043
The book of selected poems by Konstantin Dmitrievich Voskresensky, author of five books «„In Your Name“», «„ Tale. About the vaccine from the pocket-the adventures of Roman“», «„In jest seriously“», «„The Adventures of the boy Kesha“», «„The Dreamer“». A collection of the best works of the poet, creatively revised and passed through a picky critical sieve. For a wide audience. © 2021 Aegitas publishing house Executive chief editor: Leah Foden Interpretation by: Lord Muck, Konstantin Voskresenskiy, Elizaveta Suboch, Leah Foden, Peter Svetlichniy English editor (Russian native speaker): Peter Svetlichniy English editor (U.K. native speaker): Leah Foden Reader: Carl Munson Basic for the cover's illustration: Elena Vasil'eva Drawing and design of the cover: Eva Polyanskaya

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My Favourite Poems in English

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